About NeuroHub

NeuroHub is an ecosystem of software tools and services which are interoperable and connected via the NeuroHub Platform. The platform offers researchers a single web-based solution to store and analyze data, collaborate with colleagues and access high-performance computing infrastructure.The platform’s suite of tools supports research in a wide range of modalities from neuroinformatics, imaging, behavioural, genomics, machining learning and more.


The NeuroHub platform is accessible primarily via an online portal with a simple graphic interface. The NeuroHub Portal allows you to upload files, share data, communicate with collaborators and create projects with a click of a button. More functionality is in development to make using services and tools even easier.

For users who are more comfortable with coding, the NeuroHub platform has a rich API layer that allows access to the full functionality of the platform. In addition, NeuroHub is integrated with high performance computing, allowing users to access data using their Compute Canada account.


NeuroHub is among the few platforms that includes traditional datasets from neuroimaging and genomics, as well as cohort and longitudinal data from behavioural, population and social science studies, and soft data extracted from existing publications.

By linking such diverse datasets together with metadata, the platform manages several known data sources with newly collected and curated sources from McGill research to create one of the richest, searchable data repositories in the world. Users can readily access much of this data and create their own public datasets from raw or processed data found in NeuroHub.


As much as possible, the platform tries to re-use existing technologies and establish partnerships when this is the most efficient solution. In keeping with McGill’s commitment to Open Science, the platform also extends the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) and leads the development of international neuroinformatics standards and best practices.

How can I contact the NeuroHub team for support?

Send an email to support@neurohub.ca and a support ticket will be automatically created for you. A member from the NeuroHub team will respond to your issue as soon as possible.

You can also schedule a one-on-one meeting with the NeuroHub team during our bi-weekly Q&A sessions.

Anyone can get a NeuroHub account and start using the portal to upload data, share data and create projects. However, some datasets are restricted to McGill-affiliated researchers. In addition, some software services such as LORIS may require specialized support.

The NeuroHub Portal and CBRAIN Portal are built from the same backend code. Therefore, if you have a NeuroHub account, you also have a CBRAIN account. You can easily switch between the NeuroHub and CBRAIN portals with a single click. NeuroHub is the software component that connects different tools and services within the NeuroHub ecosystem—as such, you can create CBRAIN projects and run tasks from the NeuroHub portal. However, NeuroHub does not have the full functionality of CBRAIN and to access specific tools or advanced functionality, you must use the CBRAIN Portal.

There are multiple public and restricted datasets available on NeuroHub. The most used restricted datasets include the UK Biobank, the Human Connectome Project and PreventAD. For a full list of the datasets available along with descriptions and restrictions please consult our dataset page:

No, in fact, only a minority of projects in NeuroHub are public. All projects can be shared with as little or as many people as you want. Projects can remain private until the data and analysis are ready to be shared. In addition, specific licensing and agreements can be added to projects to restrict access depending on the needs of the owner.

NeuroHub integrates with Compute Canada through the API layer and allows users to access data via their NeuroHub or Compute Canada account. Benefits of using the CBRAIN service of NeuroHub include reproducibility of analysis, access to analysis tools (full list available here).

Each user is allocated 30 GB of storage by default. If more storage is needed, it can be requested by emailing support@neurohub.ca. In addition, you can add your own storage configurations on the NeuroHub Portal. This will allow you to take advantage of the features of NeuroHub while allowing for great capacity, flexibility and that data is stored in a particular location.

Send an email to support@neurohub.ca and a support ticket will be automatically created for you. A member from the NeuroHub team will respond to your issue as soon as possible. 

You can also schedule one-on-one time with a NeuroHub team member to have your questions answered.

Book your timeslot now!